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(only alphanumeric charaters and “-” are allowed, once setup it cannot be renamed)
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(Displays on the top left corner of the 101EIP Login Page)
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Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese (Simplified)
(If there are users that prefer a different language, a language menu will be available upon the login page.)
Default Timezone
Select your timezone, this option will affect the displayed time and dates
(GMT-11:00) International Date Line West
(GMT-11:00) Midway Island
(GMT-11:00) Pacific/Samoa
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(GMT+11:00) Asia/Magadan
(The selected timezone will be a primary selected timezone for all users.)
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Terms and Conditions
Please check after you have agreed to our terms and conditions
Article 1 (Application of this term of service)
The terms of service specify the terms of all services (hereinafter ‘the Service’) provided on this site by Hundred Plus Corporations, Inc. (hereinafter ‘Hundred Plus Corporation’). Users of this service (hereinafter ‘the User’) can use the Service according to the specified terms.
In addition to the Terms of Service listed in this document, specified regulations (including help and notes) constitute part of the Terms of Service. Please take note of this point.
Article 2 (User ID and Password)
Each user will be issued with User ID and password and will be notified through E-mail address.
The onus of responsibility is on the User to manage their User ID and password.
Initial password is generated automatically. We advise that you change your password the first time after you log in to the Hundred Plus Corporation Server.
Please use an alphanumeric combination for your password, which is difficult to guess.
Transfer or loan of the service, User ID and password to the third party is prohibited.
In case of the User ID or password being used inappropriately as a result of actions of the User, Hundred Plus Corporation shall not be responsible or liable for any loss and damage.
Article 3 (Prohibited items)
Following is a list of prohibited items/acts when using the service. When you commit a prohibited act, we may terminate the service, de-register or terminate any future access to the service provided to the User.
When the User gives false User registration details.
When the User breaches the Terms of Service.
When the User does not use the service for a certain period of time after user registration.
When the User attempts special access outside normal usage without using a Web browser.
When the user publishes a large load of requests to this site, and places burden on the system.
Unauthorized use of another User’s ID or password.
An act equivalent to unauthorized access or cracking.
Illegal acts.
An act involving a crime.
An act which infringes intellectual property rights including copyright and patent.
Acts that disturb public order and morals.
Acts which are interpreted as socially inappropriate behavior.
When Hundred Plus Corporation judges an act as inappropriate, etc.
Article 4 (Information Security)
Hundred Plus Corporation pays the utmost attention to the security of information registered with the service.
Article 5 (User Responsibility)
When problems arise in the service between Users or the User and a third party, it is their responsibility to resolve the problems at their own expense. Hundred Plus Corporation shall not bear any responsibility.
With regard to the information registered and disclosed by the User in the service, it is the responsibility of the User. Hundred Plus Corporation shall not bear any responsibility.
Article 6 (Service Content)
Hundred Plus Corporation service is a premium service that requires a monthly fee; however, Users can enjoy up to 30 days free service of the free trial service.
If Users do not pay after the free trial period has ended, Hundred Plus Corporation will terminate any services of the Users related.
Any files that were uploaded during the free trial period of service will be deleted as the free service is terminated. Hundred Plus Corporation will not be responsible for storage of any files or backup generated by those files.
Hundred Plus Corporation may discontinue the service for our convenience. When we discontinue the service, we will provide 30 days notice on this site before the termination.
Article 7 (Usage Charge)
Hundred Plus Corporation sets the usage charge, which is on the pricing table on the other page.
Hundred Plus Corporation calculates the usage charge and sends invoice to the User.
The User agrees that Hundred Plus Corporation may, in its sole discretion, change the usage charge.
We will notice the Users immediately when the usage charge will be changed.
All charges paid by the User in relation to the Service are nonrefundable under any circumstances.
Article 8 (Payment)
Hundred Plus Corporation notifies the deadline of payment and payment method on the Plans & Pricing page or other pages on the web, or via email.
The User shall bear the fees including transfer fees which are paid to finacial institutions.
The User shall be responsible to report to Hundred Plus Corporation immediately when there are any inadequacies in the payment method, no matter the payment method.
In case the User shall be responsible for the inadequacy, such as when the User sends the usage charge in the other payment method and Hundred Plus Corporation cannot receive the payment, Hundred Plus Corporation shall not bear any responsibility for the damage caused on the User and/or the third party.
Article 9 (Change of Usage Charge)
The User agrees that Hundred Plus Corporation may, in its sole discretion, change the usage charge. The revised price will be charged when the User renew the subscription.
Article 10 (Disclaimer)
Hundred Plus Corporation shall not bear any responsibility for, the defect or interruption of the service, omission and/or modification of the data, termination of the service, and further damages to the User and/or the third party while providing this service.
Hundred Plus Corporation shall not be responsible to monitor this service. Hundred Plus Corpoartion shall not bear any responsibility for the damage to the User and/or the third party.
The User’s information may be released or removed when the User commit a prohibited act. The User cannot lodge an objection against our action.
Article 11 (Amendment etc. of Terms of Service and Content)
Hundred Plus Corporation may amend the terms without notice. When the terms change, we will not notify the user individually so please be sure to check the latest Terms of Service on this site regularly.
Amendments shall become effective when they are displayed on this site.
The content of service provided on this site may be amended, supplemented or deleted without notice.
Article 12 (Governing Law)
The Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of Republic of China.
Article 13 (Court of Jurisdiction)
The Taipei District Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court for any and all disputes arising from the Terms of Use.
Article 14 (Governing Language)
These Terms of Service are provided in both Chinese and English. In case of a discrepancy between the Chinese and the English, the Chinese version will take precedence.
Article 15 (Supplementary Provision)
Date of Constitution and effect June 1st 2013
I agree to the terms of service
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